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Showing posts from March, 2014

Cover 3 Coverage with 4/5 man pressure

Philosophy Great run defense for one & two back sets. (All gaps are accounted for) Gives a pressure look to QB with 4 or 5 man pressure. (makes him honor pressure) Must bring multiple 5 man pressures and combined with 4 man pressure disguises. Alignment Corners- line up outside eye shade, tight to the WR one or two yards off from the receiver. OLB line up on inside eye of the #2 receiver.   Plays 3-5 yards off receiver depending if they are pressing or not. Free Safety- lines up 12 yards splitting the two widest threats Corners- Play a Press Technique. Press Technique - Open step just before the snap (corners need to try to time the snap), eyes are looking in, they open step & will create a ½ turn so the corner is looking at #2 and #1 at the same time.   Corners outside shoulder are now on WR’s outside shoulder. Next they will cross over a

Defensive Line Teaching Progression

Defensive Line Teaching Progression Pre-Snap Checklist A.     Stance (of OL) B.     Eyes (of OL) C.     Splits (of OL) D.     Formation strength – (Run Strength) I.                  Knowledge A.                     Stance – “Rip-Charge” 1.               Covered hand down – covered foot back; unless 5-tech out, then hand to the ball! 2.               toe to instep/heel stagger 3.               Feet slightly shoulder-width apart 4.               Weight on the inside balls of feet- Heels slightly out – “Eagle-Claw” 5.               Inside hand on front of eyes – All fingers in contact with ground 6.               Crowd ball – NOT OFFSIDES!!! 7.               Shoulders square – Tail slightly above shoulders 8.               Head slightly up – looking through brow 9.               Weight slightly forward (60% on hand – 40% on feet) – off hand in ready position as a weapon – thumb up! B.                      Alignment 1.      

Defending The Lead/Iso

• The playside backer must wreck  and spill the play.   • We teach our backer to spill the  play to help.   • Our Mike must take on the Iso block    with his outside shoulder.   Our  Backer & Quick take on the Iso   block with their inside shoulder.     • TAKE ON ISO BLOCKS AT LOS!   • We want to create a triangle to the    football.   • Our Titans must play force/fold    staying home for the bounce, then   folding inside to help on the tackle.